So as you all see on the tv everyday there is a raging war going on in Ukraine these days!.
We here at lose-weightcheap are big animal advocates for animals everywhere in the world.

Now more than ever the Ukrainian animals like cats and dogs will need our help.
Thankfully many neighboring countries have lifted import restrictions for fleeing Ukrainian from the Russian war criminals and Putin the new Putler bombing the country day and night.
But some fleeing people can not take their pets with them, so local rescues have to go out to save these pets day and night, EVEN when the Russian war criminals are bombing the country.
Now they need your help with small monthly donation on Patreon or pay pal, see the links here below.

It would be great if you could make a small sacrifice and become a monthly donator to Lovefurryfriends in Ukraine.
So even if you could only cut one or two things down in your daily life and become a Patreon member supporter for 5-50 dollars a month!, that would make all the difference for these helpless animals in Ukraine.
Please help anyway you can, the war in Ukraine is hard for the animals.
If you can not afford to donate, please subscribe to their YOUTUBE channel so they get some ad revenue that way!.
In these situations we all need to try and help the animals that are in dire need of our support!.
This rescue lady/group is the real deal and they do a great job saving animals in Ukraine anyway they can!.
If we can donate a small sum of money every month that will allow them to save even more pets in need, during this war time that the Ukrainian nation has to go true.
Because the dictator Putin has decided that he does not have land enough in Russia and he wants Ukraine also.
The brave people of Ukraine need our help and the animals too.
Thank you in advance.
LWC team and our founder Rick!.