So this is an update to our previous article on childhood obesity and what the solution to it is!.
So usually it starts with the child becoming used to eating and drinking a lot of sugar at an early age.

So very often when the child is 3 years old, he or she gets the taste for sugar and fat in combination of fast carbs and from there on it is a slipper slope, once the child (gets addicted) to the fat and sugar intake on a daily basis.
For parents the solution is quote simple and you need to be an adult here, and there is no excuse that you are poor or uneducated, you know that feeding your kids Pizza, Burgers, Chicken nuggets, chips, soda,ice-cream is not the way to go.
And we have told you in the past that even when you shop at Walmart and not whole foods you can still feed your children very well at a lower cost than you think.
The whole reason why food and drinks with a high sugar intake is cheap, is the amount of sugar in it!.

So start off your children with oatmeal(oatmeal water mixed in a Micro Way for 2 min) and sugar free blueberry soup, one slice of toast and glass of organic freshly squeeze orange juice, you press it at home or you buy it fresh.
Then add a protein shake and a multivitamin tab to that, and your child is good to go.
This breakfast here is less than 2 dollars per child, and it contain together with the multivitamin tab all that your child needs nutrient wise, to last the hole day.
Then if your child is forced to eat a high sugar high fat lunch at school or at day care, then at least make sure that the dinner is of high quality.

So this is then a good type of dinner for your growing child, we have cocked potatoes, chicken breast, walnuts and carrots and broccoli.
A sugar free lemonade or a sugar free soda is acceptable for the child with the dinner, water is of course better, but this is a give and take even if you are the parent and you should be in charge of the household.
And 1h before bed the child can get a casein protein shake cookie dough for instance as pudding, so you add less water and then you put in the freezer for 30 min prior to serving.
So the best way as a parent to avoid getting your children hooked on sugar and fat is to avoid having them at home period!.
So no candy, no soda, no fried fast food and no tv-dinners.
Some parents will say what about me?, i like to eat a donut or drink a soda in the evening.
Then make it simple for yourself, have that in the garage and when your children are sleeping you can have that.
But parents have to stop being so weak when it comes to child obesity.
We know that fat cells accumulated for children under 10 will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
Why would you as a parent set your child up for a massive failure in life?.
Make sure that when your child is born that you read up on nutrient intake, make sure that your home is also child proofed nutrient wise both on the food and the drink side.
So take care out there and as some of our readers know we have a children’s chapter in our book at AMAZON see the link below to it.