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Be careful when you start training as a new years resolution in January.

So today is the 12th of January 202,1 and this is a good time to tell our readers and clients to be careful with their amount of traning.

We see this every single year as personal trainers that clients over trainin in January.

Overtraining is always a problem.


Now to be fair, very few people train so much that we can talk about over training as an issue.

You would have to train very large amount to fit into this category.

But the difference is when people make up their mind with a new years resolution that i am goanna lose 50 lbs this year, and i will start right now in January.

The big issue with that is that most of the people that decides to do this, have not trained ever or in many years.

So they burn out very fast and very often they injure themselves in the process.

Gary a new client of ours injured his lower back last week, and we asked Gary what happened?.

And he admitted to adding one gym session on Sunday night even if he had done his weekly session on Friday morning.

So basically Gary who has not lifted weights in 15 years time over trained, his back was not fully recovered on Sunday night, from the Friday morning training session.

So now Gary can only do rehab for his back for a 4 week period.

We have placed Gary on a rehab program, and fortunately enough he can use an exercise bike and also walk without any issues.

So Gary is now walking 60 min a day in the fresh air and then he bikes inside for 30 minutes each day.

And once a week he goes to the gym for rehab training with lower weights.

Gym training.


You need to last for 12 months time, so you do not do yourself any favors by over training your body in January and then having to rehab all of February and March.

So slow and steady wins the race, never forget that catch phrase.

Take care out there.

The LWC team.



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