Dear, Clients and readers, we want to thank everybody who has reached out to us at LWC in the past 10 days time regarding the loss of our office cat Prince.
So Prince was our British short hair office cat in the way that LWC has its headquarters in Ricks house where we have 4 offices spaces here.
Prince was always hanging out with the Staff and most of the time you could find him on Ricks desk helping out with the daily workload.

So Prince story is intersting Rick had a client 11 years ago who was a model, she had bought Prince when he was 3months old, and now when he was 5 months old, she got a job offer in London and she could not take Prince with her, so during a personal training session she offered Prince to Rick and he accepted to take care of Prince until the client returned from a 3 months job stint in London.
The client called after 3 months and said that she got another job in New York so she signed over Prince to Rick, and they have been thick as thieves ever since that day!.
Prince was always close to Rick, if he worked or slept it did not matter Prince was always right next to him.
When Rick had to go from time to time out on engineering jobs around the world we all cared for Prince, since Prince is one out of 3 cats and one dog he was never alone, but we could always see that he was waiting for Rick to come back home.

Prince was spoiled, there is not doubt about that, but he loved all people and all animals and even when a mouse came close to him, he just sat there and looked at the mouse.
Prince loved to sleep in comfortable beds and sofas, but he also loved all type of boxes that he could go and lay in.
Prince had an older brother named Bagheera and they are no sleeping together in heaven!.
So once again thank you to all clients who have sent condolences and some of you even sent flowers to Rick and the office, we deeply appreciate it, and we are also very touched by your kindness and support as is Rick.
He will be off until next Monday the 14th of December, and then he will continue with his clients online.
Take care out there.
The LWC team.