Hi guys!, here comes a testimonial from a client that have been with us from when the online coaching started around 14 months ago.
She was one of our 5 first walk ins so to speak online.
There are a few different testimonials here but the one from Jill we really appropriate(when you take into consideration here living situation)
We will add more testimonials over the next few days.
And we gave here a Christmas gift of 12 months free of charge, as a loyalty for being with us for over 9 months time even when she is in the living situation she is in Los Angeles today 2020.
From: Jill:
Hi everybody my name is Jill and i am 47 years old and i am a born Angelino(Born and raised in the Los Angles county).
My story is a bit different than other peoples maybe at least i believe so.
I was born and raised in Venice beach by two odd parents.
They where hippies so to speak, but both of my parents died from drug overdoses , my father when i was 14 years old and my mother when i was 21 years of age.
I meet my husband in high-school and we got married at the age or 22 and we had a beautiful baby girl called Jen.
We had for many years a really good life, and my husband was a contractor and we lived in the Hollywood hills in a 1950s house than we fully renovated, bit by bit!.
I was the bookkeeper for my husbands contracting business and he was a repair/builder of houses that where in need of renovation.
Non of us had any formal education after high-school but my husband opened up his first business when we where both 23 years of age, after he had worked construction for 4 years for another company.
Then disaster hit when the housing market came crashing down in 2008-2009 and he where leverage true the roof because we had a bigger rental property in West Hollywood and we got behind on payments.
Then our family business lost a few half done projects and we where owed 800.000 dollars from clients.
So a very long story short, my husband started drinking and he had an accident and passed away in 2012.
This was the senior year for Jen in high school and she was gonna go off to college on the East coast and , fortunately enough we had put a side a non touch college fund that we could not access, so she had a full 5-6 year ride paid for.
And this is still today one of the most important decisions that i made when we opened me and my late husband the college fund that we could not access it for anything-else, no matter what.
We lost our house that same year, and i lived in some rental studios for 1200 dollars a month.
All of our savings where gone and i was 42 year old single parent and had no formal education to fall back on.
And clearly when i went out looking for jobs, everything offered was minimum wage.
And i dont have to tell anybody who lives in LA county how difficult it is to live on minimum wage and also rent even a studio apartment .
So since my daughter was off to college in the East coast, i made a decision to switch in my car for a bigger Van with side doors.
And i was able to fit my daughter old bed into the van and also some other personal belonging.
The rest of the furniture i sold off and donated to relief organisations.
I have been working for a smaller construction company as a book keeper and they are paying me decent and i have health insurance and life insurance true my employer.
But i still can not afford my own studio apartment in a good neighborhood so i rather live in my car.
Could i afford an apartment, the answer is yes, if i dont do anything-else in my life, like support my daughter by flying here home to LA 3 times a year, she then stays with friends while being here.
But what i have seen over the past 5 years time is that i have gained 50 lbs during that period , because of eating fast food and not really exercising enough.
I found lose-weightcheap by chance online and i have always been interested in everything that has to do with Scandinavia, since my grandfather was an immigrant from Sweden.
So i said to Rick and the team do you magic on me i need to lose-weight 50 lbs and i dont have a lot of money for personal training or supplements.
I can say today that i have lost 37 lbs in 14 months time and i expect to lose the reaming 13 lbs in 4 months time.
But it needs to also be said that i have probably gained also almost 10 pounds of muscle mass during this time frame also.
So now you of course want to hear how i have done this.
First of all my whole diet was re-done to shakes of the casein protein powder type since i have no access to a stove or a kitchen.
Then i was put on a diet with powder,vitamin supplements and different types of nuts and fruits.
And when it came to exercise i had not really been in a gym for over 12 years time, but Rick said to me(find the cheapest 24/7 gym to where you work and live and use the shower there every morning after your workout.
So i bought a month to month membership at 24/7 gym and i know that the lose-weightcheap method only requires you to train 1-2 times a week at the gym, but Rick and his team made a body part program for me so i divided different body parts from Monday-Friday with the weekend off.
The second thing Rick told me was to completely stop drinking alcohol since it is only empty calories.
So then the third thing Rick asked me was that if like dogs?, and i said yes i do, and then he told me to go down to the dog shelter to look for a adult pit bull or a similar sized dog.
And i said i live in a van , can i have a dog in a van, and Rick told me of course you can, and pit bulls are very resilient and people loving dogs.
So i can happily say that have had for just about one year a beautiful gentlemen by my side called Jack who is a 4 year old pitbull.
And it was love at first sight when i went to adopt, he came up to me and looked me straight in to my eyes and basically asked me to adopt him.
This is great for me, because i have my Van in an area that is not the safest and a single women living alone even with my Glock 15 it can sometimes feel scary.
Now with Jack by my side i feel totally safe.
We will react to noise outside my van , and i will be on guard when he does that!.
So the reason for the dog is also that i get to walk 45 min each morning and then i head to the gym for another 30 min and then i shower and get myself ready for the workday.
Then in the evening i walk Jack for another 45 min.
Now i know that i am training a little bit more than the lose-weightcheap program requires, but that has also to do with me not having an apartment and being forced to shower at the gym, so while i am there, Rick told me you can do a 30 min workout anyway, prior to showering.
So i want to thank Rick and the whole lose-weightcheap team for helping me getting into the best shape of my life and also for giving me the tools to use to get me there.
I can honestly say that i would not have been able to come up with any of these on my own , besides maybe going to the gym, but i had been using a co-workers shower for several years twice a week, and it was a drive also to get there.
So i am really happy that i only have to walk 5 min to the gym and then i can shower and clean myself properly everyday.
Also adopting Jack is a great thing i did, i saved his life and he brings me joy,comfort,security and gives me an additional purpose in life.
So i have gotten the tools that i needed from this program and still every month Rick and the lose-weightcheap team gives me pointers on what more i can do to get even healthier and into even better shape.
So i can from the bottom of my hearth say that it you ever wanted to find an online coaching company who works around you and your life, regardless of the situation you are currently in today!.
And i can also say that if you can not afford the online coaching, then buy the book on Amazon for under 9 dollars it will be the best book you ever buy on how to lose-weight and also improve your heath at the same time!.
Hugs and kisses from Jill.
Los Angeles,California,USA.