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How to get underprivileged children in shape by using dogs?.

So as personal trainers we often see kids having weight issues, because of sodas and fast food.

We can basically say that it is a general issue that children these days eat to much sugar,salt and fat in combination with fast carbs, and not enough protein and slow carbs and good fat sources.

A lot of parents tells us that they can not afford healthy food, which is not true!.

But you need to know what healthy food is and what to buy.

So we will list a few items here, the rest you will find in our general program(our book Loseweightcheap at Amazon, see link in the bottom of this article.

The healthy foods for your children and grandchildren are as follows, OATMEAL,COCKED POTATOES,PROTEIN SHAKES,CARROTS AND NUTS!.

Often if your children are vegetarians or they do not like meat, protein shakes and mainly casein protein is a really good source of protein and there are a lot of really nice flavors out these days on the market, like for instance cookie dough and chocolate chip and many other fantastic flavors.


So oatmeal and cocked potatoes are super cheap items to buy, protein shakes and carrots are medium priced items, and nuts of higher quality like cashew and other items are a higher ticket item, but the kids do not need a lot of nuts for good fats each day, so with these few items even on a budget you can cover your children’s nutrition needs.

So how do we then get them in shape if they are already overweight? or we want them to generally work out more and take away some of their screen time.

So it is very important to get kids to walk so they get into shape, but getting them to go out and walk in the fresh air, and leaving all those video/computer games is very difficult, but the solution to this is to get your kids activated by bringing them to the animal shelter and let them spend 2-3 h there 3 times a week at the shelter.

They can take shelter dogs out on a walk and they can do simple grooming and also spend time with the dog.

We would say from our experience that if the kid is not messed up in the head in some way all kids love dogs.

A lot of shelters should do a simple outreach program into their local area, and talk to business that could sponsor these meets.

Because a lot of kids might not have the possibility to get themselves to and from the shelter, so here there needs to be a logistic solution where maybe and older volunteers sponsored by local businesses could drive the kids to and from the shelter for these weekly meets.

There is only good things that can come out of getting kids involved at an early age with shelter animals.

We see many successful prison programs allover the US, where inmates train shelter dogs for adoption.

And it also keeps those cell blocks very calm when inmates have something meaningful to do.

The problem is that we incarcerate more people in the US each year than any other country does, and what we could hope for is that the people that want to change and who understand that a life on the straight and narrow is much better than a life in the fast-lane, gets that chance.

So we can clearly see that dogs are a huge part of the prisoners rehabilitation (the inmates who want to change).

But for a lot of parents and grandparents it is really a difficult task to get your kids to leave that screen and go do something healthy and fun in the same time.

So from our dog shelter we do outreach programs like these every week, we have a few different models.

But basically we get overweight kids and also underprivileged kids to our dog-shelter 2-3 times each week for a 3 hour visit.

So each kid gets a dog they need to take care of, like walks for an hour then grooming the fur and also feeding the dog playing time, then when the dog gets adopted out we teach the kids that this is a good thing and  that this is our goal all along.

And then we move on to the next dog.

Many shelter dogs might not have had the best experience with people and letting them have access to kids who only wants to love them and spend time with them is a good things before they get adopted out.

We need to start changing the world to a better version that the one we are currently leaving in at the moment.

And we believe from LWC that pets and animals can play a big part in this change going forward.

Please share this text by linking to this page to all animal lovers out there in the world.

Let us try and help people and kids get in shape and also support our shelter animals.

Thank you.

Rick and the LWC team.


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You are in shock!, you have just realized that you have gone up in weight more than 10 lbs in 3 months time!, what happen?.

So this one of those things that usually happens to us all one time or another during our life time, if we are not one of those who are training 7 days a week and measuring our food on a food scale and maybe we dont even weigh ourselves in a few months time.

Then comes the shock what really has happened?.

There can be many,many reasons for this added weight gain, and usually if it is almost 10 lbs i  a few months time there is an underlying problem somewhere that requires solving from our end.

And this is then a problem that we need to look closer at and solve the best way we can.

What we mainly want to do is to make sure that we do not have additional weight gains coming in the next few months time, and after we have figured out this then we can tackle the weight loss of this extra 10 lbs or whatever the weight gain is.

What the issue could be?.

Nr1: You have simply put in more calories/energy into your body and you have not been able to burn it off, meaning you have consumed more than your body has been able to burn off, hence the weight gain.

Usually you need to break down the las few months of your food and fluid intake, and then analyze what is going on.

Have you consumed more alcohol

drinks with friends

or sodas than you normally do?, this is a common one that you drink the calories and you do not think about that a drink can contain 300 calories and a soda can be 200 calories and it all adds up pretty quickly.

So you need to go over your fluid intake and has it contained a lot of sugar and calories.

And if that is the case then go over to only water and protein shakes for a 3-4 months period of time fluid wise.

Nr2: So you have not increased the fluid intake calorie wise, then what about food?.

Have you switched out some home cooked meals to fast food meals or have you started to eat more red meat and less white meat?.

 Burger meal

So go over the last few months food intake and make the necessary changes if this is the reason for your weight gain.

Nr3: If you can not find your weight gains in the food or fluid intake over the past few months, then there is a few more things you can look at.

The one big bandit when it comes to weight gains can be STRESS!, so usually when your cortisol levels goes up(your stress hormone levels) then the fat burning process slows down quite a bit actually.


So check if you sleep 7-8 hours per night ,and can you do some relaxation movements during the day and in the evening to try and de-stress your body a bit.

Going out for that one hour walk with a dog in the evening your own or your neighbours can make all the difference for your body.

Nr4: Your metabolism has simply put slowed down so much that even if you consume the same amount of calories as before you do not burn as much as you did in the past.

So we know that from age 30 and upwards the metabolism slows down for every years that comes after that.

Some people when they turn 40 they start to see these issues much more clearer than they did a few years back.

Final words to find out what is really going on with you body.

So the easiest solution is that if you have consumed 2500 calories normally in the past, go down to 2000 calories for 3-4 months time, if this does not help lower it to 1500 calories for 2 months time.

Normally this should do the trick, and after that you need to make sure that you now where your sweat spot is when it comes to maintaining your weight calorie wise.

So take care and never give up on your weight-loss journey.


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Read the book!, most answers you are looking for, is in the book!.

We get a lot of questions to lose-weightcheap about supplements and how to use them and what supplements to use?.

We can strongly recommend that you buy are book or read it on Kindle, because most of the answers you are after you will find in the book.

Because if you read the book you will understand the full picture compared to us just saying use Creatine and it will work for you when you ask us about creatine!.

So read the book and you will be enlighten , we promise you that much!.



The Scandinavian weight loss formula that actually works.




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Check out our book now in times of crises, when you might have to cut down on your spending when it comes to personal training!.

So our book will cover you well, when it comes to losing weight and losing weight in a cheap way!.

The Scandinavian weight loss formula that actually works.

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Update on COVID-19 training tips.

Hi, guys, so we have now a track record that we can see from people who got the Covid-19 and who where healthy people who working out a lot.

As we know from before is that when you train hard you break down your body in the process.

And usually around 36-48 hours after a gruesome training session our bodies are much more (open) to catch and infection.

And in normal cases that would not be anything to really pay attention to or be very concerned with.

But with the Covid-19 pandemic there is clear evidence that training to hard will make you much more vulnerable to the infection.

So if you normally train really hard 3-5 times a week, we do recommend you to cut down the training to twice a week and do not empty out all the white and red blood cells in the process.

Meaning do not train to failure of any sorts.

Focus on having something left in the tank when you are done training.

Much rather train 45 min 3 times a week and leave it at that.

This is not the time to train for Iron man and similar gruesome training session.

Nor is a 2 hours 3 times a week in the gym type of training good for you either.

So be smart, keep in shape, keep training but do not train to failure.

When we have looked at people that we know in the fitness,personal training industry and their clients, it is clear that the people who train a lot and for a long time each session as been hit the hardest from the Covid-19 pandemic.

So the daily one hour walk is fine, and then two or three 45 min session is the way to go here to be as safe as possible.

Also remember to use training gloves that covers all fingers also in the gym and wash them after every training session.

And do not touch your face when training without using paper towels and no gloves on your hands.

Take care.



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Home training still in May?.

So guys it looks like there will be a need for home training still in May.

We will get the video up on Youtube for home training with lumber and rocks in May.

But what movements can you do at home.

So go for the basics, they are still the best ones to do with your own body-weight.

So push ups is king, do 200 push-ups twice a week, that will be enough for push ups.

Do 300 sit ups twice a week , fully controlled movement, do not put your hands behind you neck, place them at your chest instead.

Do 100 chins and 100 dips a week.

And then do back training with lifting something heavy with 30 reps twice a week.

For the legs do lunges 100 reps once a week.

If you want you can add 100 reps of bur-pees once a week.

Then get some fresh air and if possible walk one hour each day.

If you stick to this training regime you will be very well off, until our training centers will all open again in June?, hopefully.

Stay safe and take care.

The lose-weightcheap team.


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So if you are looking to eat healthy and also lose-weight in the process, here you see a picture of a perfect meal for lunch or dinner.

So you have 150 grams of chicken breast friend in a pan with real butter.

Then you have 300 grams of cooked potatoes with the skin still intact(most of the vitamins are in the skin(peals).

Then you have also cooked carrots and some cocked broccoli. 

To top it all of we have some walnuts added to the meal.

Then have a diet soda or a glass of water and you are good to go.

This is a 500 calories meal and it will keep you full for a good 6-8 hours.

perfect meal
Chicken breast, walnuts,broccoli
The Scandinavian weight loss formula that actually works.

So here you go when you are looking for a great meal for lunch or dinner, nutrient wise.

Take care.

lose-weightcheap team.



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So if the COVID-19 can bring anything good with it, then it has to be a wakening of people around the world to lose-weight and get in shape.

For instance over 40% of Americans are overweight , and that is almost 150 million people.

What we can clearly see is that people who are in better shape and not overweight are handling the COVID-19 infections much better compered to people who are overweight.

Forget the BMI since body mass index does not say a lot for people who are bigger (strong,well trained), but in general you should be able to go out and walk for 1-2 hours anytime you chose to without having to think, and without getting flustered while doing it.

So for you looking to lose weight and also maybe doing in in a cheap way then check out our book

(see the link below) and blueprint for how you can do it, without starving yourself in the process.

This is a lifestyle change that anybody can do, regardless of their age,race or gender.

So take care and be safe out there.

The Scandinavian weight loss formula that actually works.

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Let us give you one pro tip on how to burn fat from home, when you can not get to the gym.

Do 30 burpees every day.

If you dont know what a burpee is, then google it and watch a you tube video.

It is such a good movement that we strongly suggest that you do this daily or at least every other day.

Use a good form when you do burpees, and make sure that you have good shoes when jumping up in the air and landing on them, so you dont sprained your ankle

This is a pro tip from Rick.

Take care and stay safe.

The Scandinavian weight loss formula that actually works.



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A good breakfast!.

So a lot of people have asked us in the past week, what a good breakfast would look like.

So we are gonna make this really simple for you to follow.

Option number one is for you on a diet, and option number two will be for you on a diet.

So there are only one item that will be taken away for you on a diet compared to you not being on a diet!.

So the best breakfast for a normal person who wants to eat healthy and get energy for the whole day.

No1: OATMEAL!, it is simple the best thing you can have as breakfast, it give you the fibers and good carbs and vitamins.

For your oatmeal if you can afford fresh fruits like blueberries and strawberries, then go ahead and mix them into your oatmeal.

Also sugar free blueberry soap is the best fluid to use as intake with your bowl of oatmeal with or without the fresh fruits.

No2: Protein powder Casein 40-60 grams in a shake.

No3: Freshly squeezed orange juice from real oranges, today there are machines in many stores so you can buy a bottle with you for 5 dollars and you get orange juice for 4 days from one liter of juice.

No4: One pill of multivitamin and two pills of OMEGA 3 fish oil, and also you could have a D3 pill.

No5: So here comes the one item you can not have if you are on a diet, but otherwise you can have this.

Two toasts, of fullfiber bread with a little bit of butter on them.

No6: A big cup of black coffee, of a big cup of green tea.

So here you go, this is a good breakfast for you.

You can not really do better from a normal persons standpoint!.

Incredible breakfast.
Best breakfast available to all people poor or rich.